
This dignified wide-semi sits on an extra deep downtown lot. The clients love for cut flowers and their dream of a bounteous vegetable garden resulted in a bold move — they discarded their original scheme for a lap pool and dedicated the bulk of their backyard space to an elegant walk-in vegetable garden. A pea gravel path carries visitors down a wildflower and meadow-style alle to arrive at six distinct and shrouded corten steel planters creating a secret garden at the back of the lot. The dining area adjacent to the house is flanked by native sun loving flowers: echinacea, little bunny grass, salvia, nepeta, achillea. As a substitute for the pool, we created a private spa-like area for a wooden hot tub, which can be used-all year long. The area is surrounded by greenery: hakone grass, ferns, mugs pine, and an architecturally shaped green Japanese maple.



